Create automated, scripted timers on the fly as needed

With , you can create custom countdown on the fly directly within your website using PHP, Javascript or other programming languages.

If you're not sure what this means, please ask a programmer / webmaster to build one for you. This is more advanced.

This allows you for example to run a events website and have a script (ex: PHP) read from a database all the events and then create on the fly countdown timers for them to display on your pages. This is much faster and more convenient than doing them one by one by hand!

NOTE: You'll need to create a FREE account to use this feature!

Here is a full example of the code you need on your website to show a custom timer.
REPLACE "XXXX" with the appropriate value as explained below:

Here is a functionning example:

Here are the url & query parameters for the API:

k k=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Your account key MANDATORY This is your account key. NOTE: Plesae Log in here and go to 'My Profile' to get your account key.
tz tz=America.New_York Refer to this page for valid time zones OPTIONAL
Default: your profile time zone
Get a valid timezone from this page. MUST be EXACTLY as written on that page.
countdown_date countdown_date=20251231 Format: YYYYmmdd MANDATORY The date you want to count down to in this format, with no spaces or other characters in between: YYYYmmdd.
4 digits year (ex: 2025), 2 digits month with leading zero (ex: 01), 2 digits day with leading zero (ex: 08)
countdown_time countdown_time=2305 Format: HHii MANDATORY The time you want to count down to in this format, with no spaces or other characters in between: HHii.
2 digits hour in 24-hour format with leading zero (ex: 23), 2 number minutes with leading zero (ex: 05).
NOTE: to convert 12 hour into 24-hour format, just add 12 to the hour if "PM" otherwise leave as is. Ex: if it's 2:35 pm, add 12 and it becomes 1435
title title=Apple%20September%20Event%21 Text encoded for URL OPTIONAL
Default: empty
The title of your countdown. May be left empty if you just want the countdown timer.
IMPORTANT: use rawurlencode() if using PHP or similar functions to encode text for URLs if using other programming languages
desc desc=Apple%20is%20expected%20to%20launch%20the%20all-new%20iPhone%2017%21%20Stay%20tuned%20for%20more%20info%20on%20the%20event%20right%20here Text encoded for URL OPTIONAL
Default: empty
The description of your countdown. May be empty.
IMPORTANT: use rawurlencode() if using PHP or similar functions to encode text for URLs if using other programming languages
show_date show_date=1 1 = show date
0 = don't show date
Default: 1
Show date + time that we are counting down to under the title
img_url encoded URL, .JPG or .PNG image ONLY OPTIONAL
Default: no image, we use the background color
FULL URL to .JPG or .PNG image file, including "http://" (ex: "")
IMPORTANT: use rawurlencode() if using PHP or similar functions to encode URLs if using other programming languages
img_overlay img_overlay=1 0 = NO overlays,
1 = BLACK 80% opacity overlay,
2 = WHITE 80% opacity overlay
Default: 1 (black overlay)
You may add a black or white 80% opacity overlay to your image to make it look nicer and easier to read. You may also use none.
color_background color_background=F1F1F1 6 character hexadecimal color code OPTIONAL
Default: 000000 (black)
Background color to use if you have no image. Hexadecimal color code without "#"
color_title color_title=0101AA 6 character hexadecimal color code OPTIONAL
Default: FFFFFF (white)
Text color of the title. Hexadecimal color code without "#"
color_date color_date=0101AA 6 character hexadecimal color code OPTIONAL
Default: FFFFFF (white)
Text color of the date. Hexadecimal color code without "#"
color_time color_time=0035AA 6 character hexadecimal color code OPTIONAL
Default: FFFFFF (white)
Text color of the time. Hexadecimal color code without "#"